Monday Monday Can't Trust That Day

Had an interesting weekend, and it did not involve movies. I finally got my car back and the grand total for everything was only about $400. So it has slightly postponed my search for a new car, but only for a couple of weeks, it is definitely time to say good bye to my VW :0( Either way it was so nice to be able to drive myself around and I ended up putting about four hundred miles on it in two days.

Saturday I took care of my car in the morning and went home to mow the lawn. Don came over and hung out and we talked about new cars, it was pretty classic. I then headed to Cambridge for the “Head of the Charles”. I met Kate and then Mark and we went to check it out, but it was over and all of the boats were just practicing. We then went back to Kate’s house and had dinner and did a little bit of drinking. Okay, I had a little too much, but only too much to drive, not so I got sick. It was a great night and I had a great time. I ended up waking up in the morning at seven and driving home.

Sunday involved a little bit of rest and a trip to Plymouth for some mountain biking. They gots some beautiful country down there near the cape. We rode on some great trails down there, the only bad thing was that I broke the shifter on my bike and now the front gears won’t shift out of the small sprocket.

Today, hmmmmmmmmm. Not much happened today aside from a trip to Boston Costume, which is a great and amusing place. People from all walks of life show up at that place and don’t hesitate to make fools of themselves. Scottie tried on a cool hot dog costume, but it could have been a lot cooler if it was made of foam and about seven feet tall, so it really is not worth the $65 rental fee. Went to dinner at the Pizza Factory with
Travis old skool style. It felt like high school when we used to ride bikes and eat lunch there all the time.

I am kind of on the fence about this cold weather we have been getting. I hear we are supposed to get some snow flurries tomorrow night. I love the winter and all but I still want to do some more outdoor activities like biking and hiking before the really cold weather gets here. Besides I don’t have quite enough money to get my new skis yet especially since my car crapped the bed. Okay that is enough for now.