First Ski Trip

Yesterday I went skiing for the first time this season at Killington VT. The weather was perfect and although there wasn’t much natural snow the skiing was still excellent. We got up there and they had 24 trails open, which I thought was pretty good for the first week of the year. Of course there were the icy people packed trails near the bottom, which I tried to avoid at all costs, but there were also several bump trails with very well defined bumps. The early season skiing has pushed the issue of whether or not to buy a season pass. I have been racking my brain for the past couple of weeks, but I really need to decide soon. The question is whether or not I will ski 30 times before the end of the season. There are certain pros to the pass, not having to stand in line for your tickets, lack of guilt if you get a ticket and decide you don’t want to ski, 20% off at the ski shop. I don’t know if anybody has a comment on this it would be greatly appreciated.

One more thing, I went to see the movie “Comedian” on Friday and I thought it was excellent. It is basically a documentary following Jerry Seinfeld and another comedian, Orney Adams, and there respective careers. It mostly shows Jerry trying to create a new act from scratch, it helps to give you an idea of how difficult it is to be a comedian. The other guy has been working for a while and is finally getting his big break. Orney was kind of annoying and was very arrogant even though he really didn’t have a reason to be arrogant. It was interesting how Jerry was actually very nervous and not confident at most of his shows. It was certainly not a laugh a minute as you would expect, but if you have ever thought of being a stand up comedian, check this movie out and you will realize that you could never do it.

Dave Matthews Band Lyrics of the Day
Song Title: I Did It
I never did a single thing that did a single thing
To change the ugly ways of the world
I didn’t know it felt so right inside
I didn’t know it all
I open up the curtains
I heard sirens there, the lights flash and crawl
But I did it justice
I swear I did it for us all, you know