Let my weekend begin

Today is my last day at work, tomorrow I head to Maine for some skiing and to finalize paperwork on the apartment. Woo hoo, it is going to be a great winter.

Last night was BoCaNO at Grendel’s Den in Cambridge and I must say the food there is pretty good. I had the potato skins and chicken quesadillas, which were both excellent, but the french bread pizza also looked good, but it would have been wrong for four of five people to order pizza. The best part of dinner was with a $3 beverage the entire menu is half price. I did have a kind of strange moment last night when I went to use the bathroom. I found the bathrooms and one door had a picture of a woman and said “Women”, the other door had a picture of Einstein and said “Either Or.” So I chose the Einstein door, I came out of the stall and there was a woman washing her hands at the sink, my first instinct was one of panic that I had accidentally chosen the wrong door, let me tell you I got quite nervous, but then I remembered the “Either Or” sign and realized I was okay. So if you are a guy and go to Grendel’s Den be forewarned that you may bump in to a woman in the bathroom.

On the train ride home last night, I was given a second chance to do something I meant to do a few weeks ago. So I guess I should start from the beginning, last month I was at the gym in the morning, because I didn’t work or it was the weekend, either way the point is that it was not my typical time to be at the gym. I saw this girl and knew I recognized her and finally after about ten minutes realized she had been in my class in high school. However, I am not the type of person to just walk over and say something, for fear I won’t be recognized and because I am not huge on just walking up to people and talking to them. On top of it all I think most people who are working out at the gym don’t want to be bothered. I contemplated through my entire workout whether I should say something or not, and as you may have guessed I left and didn’t say a word. After thinking about it I realized I probably should have said something and it wouldn’t be a big deal. Fast forward to last night, I was waiting for the train and saw the girl and her father, so I was given a second chance, but once again I spent more time thinking about whether I should do it, which usually causes me to doubt myself. So after about forty five minutes of reading and thinking about what to say I did it and went over and chatted for a few minutes. She and her father recognized me and the doubts I had in my crazy brain were just that, crazy. I have to do something about my second guessing. If any of you are wondering, no dice on the girl she is engaged.

Dave Matthews Band Lyrics of the Day
Song title: Warehouse
Shut up I’m thinking
I had a clue now it’s gone forever
Sitting over these bones
You can read in whatever you’re needing to