Mileage Contest

So far I have received eight entries for the mileage contest, I am kind of disappointed, because I think it is an easy 20 bucks. I will continue accepting entries until December 4, so just email me and let me know your guess. For the rules see the posting from November 25.

More Eminem

Because the pictures are generally more interesting than some of the mindless stories I tell I have included this cartoon representation of Eminem in the film 8 Mile. The artist of this drawing was Scottie. Apparently in the movie Eminem plays the role of a rapper nicknamed Bunny Rabbit. Now that is a threatening name, he might as well take a name from the Teletubbies and call himself Tinky Winky. I guess my rap nickname probably wouldn’t be anything menacing: Keeg Doggy Dogg, GoatBoy, Kay-W, Dr. Keeg, Ice Keeg, Kickin Keegan. The possibilities are endless, but I don’t think I will be starting a rap career anytime soon. See now I am just trying to make stuff up, which is kind of stupid, I wish I had something good to complain about or a question to ask.

Wait actually I do, is it weird that I had peas, butternut squash and stuffing for the first time on Sunday. I think it is kind of good in a weird way that I haven’t had them until now because it has opened up a ton of new possibilities for me. It is kind of like moving to a different country and getting to experience all new foods. Perhaps it is a bad thing though because it means I have lived a relatively sheltered life and this would mainly be the fault of my parents. Why couldn’t they institute a rule, which a friend of mine said she had growing up. Pay attention this is a good idea I believe it was called the “No Thank You Helping”, which means you are given a very small amount of a food you would typically say “No thank you” to. This way you don’t have to eat a ton of it, but you are forced into trying it. Now in some cases such as with egg salad (for me at least) I could imagine this being considered cruel and unusual punishment, but most of the times it seems like it is a great idea. It certainly would have expanded my horizons.

I have decided to post some weather information on here hopefully with every entry, because I love the weather and trying to see what is going to happen with it. It will appear after the entry for the day, but before the DMB lyrics.

Keegan’s Weather Report
Today - Sun along with some clouds, slightly windy with temps in the upper 30’s to lower 40’s.
Tomorrow - Snow Alert There will be a snow storm hitting southern New England starting in the morning and continuing throughout the day, with snowfall totals south of the city between 2 and 4 inches, but the north shore should end up with only a dusting to an inch. Temps will be around 30 degrees during the day.

Dave Matthews Band Lyrics of the Day
Song title: Ants Marching
Driving in on this highway
All these cars and upon the sidewalk
People in every direction
No words exchanged
No time to exchange

Mileage Contest
Wendy - 2800
Anonymous Complainer - 3676
Chris - 3920
Carol - 3972
Dale - 4134
Amy - 4387
John C - 4459
Elio - 4519
Carrie - 4575
Brendan - 4850
Heather - 4916
Erin - 5000
Dad - 5300
Sarah - 6000
Travis - 6432