Micro Curbs In

On the way to work today I realized I had to make an addition to my Micro-Macro Mood Theory (MMMT). For those of you non financial market readers in the stock market there are circuit breaker measures set up to prevent the stock market from falling too far too fast. For example for the current quarter if the Dow falls 850 points before 2PM trading will be halted for an hour to allow people to stop and think about why they are selling. I am going to add this to micro moods, if a person feels there micro mood has dropped more than two points within a relatively short amount of time there should be a curb in all activity contributing to the change for at least three hours. If that person is on IM they should put up an away message and it should say “Micro Curbs In”. Since a higher micro is good there is no need to take precautions and the positive activity should continue especially if you are on your way to a micro of 10 ;o)

Now I turn to you all for help, not with my mood or anything but with a work issue. At work we have nine groups within the larger group and we foolishly refer to the groups by the name of the manager, now this is fine and makes it somewhat clear as to what group you are referring to, but if the manager changes we must update numerous applications to accomodate for the change. Yesterday I came up with the idea of naming the groups, but we can’t seem to come up with a good way of naming them. Some ideas I have had are to name them after: gemstones, elements and trees. So this is where y’all come in, help me come up with some more names? The only requirment I have is that there must be at least 12 names in the group and they should be able to be abbreviated and none of the elements should start with the same letter to make the abbreviation easier.

What I want is what I’ve not got
But what I need is all around me
Reaching searching never stop

-David John Matthews
Complete lyrics to Jimi Thing