Quick Entry Today

Look out Mona Lisa and Whistler’s Mother here comes Auntie Babe. My aunt recently volunteered to be the subject in one of the Amesbury Public School’s art classes. I just had to put the picture on the lj, because it is pretty classic.

Anyway, BoCaSoNO last night was fun, there ended up only being like five of us, but it was still a great time. Redbones is a cool place to eat and just hang out at. I did get home at a relatively late hour and am now quite tired, but it is finally Thursday and that means only one more day until Bethel. Work looks to be busy for the next few days, so if you don’t hear from me don’t be too surprised. It looks like it will be snowing today, which should help to make the day a little more peaceful, unfortunately it will mostly accumulate south of Boston.

Have a good one!!!

Hi ho
Hi ho
It’s off to work we go

-The Seven Dwarfs