This is way better than sleeping

Summary for today
1) Went to Fire+Ice with my family
2) Made collages with Becky and Emily

Last night I went to Fire+Ice for the second time ever and this time I was more prepared for the whole experience. I met Vanessa and Britt in front of Burberry and headed straight for F+I. My mom and aunt were driving in and called at least three times to update me on there location and to ask for directions. They finally showed up and we enjoyed a great meal, I piled the food high in my bowl because I remembered how much less it seems like once it is on the huge plate. After dinner they went to Mama Mia, but I was tired and didn’t have a ticket so I went home. Apparently the show was great, but I had a great time at home anyway.

Once again I shut my light off to go to bed and there it was again. Ring, ring, ring! It was Emily at Wal-Mart wondering if I wanted to join Becky and her for some collage making. I once again thought for about a second and was dressed and on my way to Wal-Mart. The only problem was that we didn’t have a place to make them since we all live at home and have the constant fear of disturbing the parental units. I suggested we go to my aunt’s house, because she wasn’t home and she is cool and doesn’t mind a bunch of people hanging out at all hours of the night. We got there around 11:00 and worked on the collages for a couple hours. I just kept cutting and when I was finished I could have covered about a square foot of my posterboard. It is going to take me forever to finish it. Carol came home from the show and we only stayed a little longer before deciding to call it a night. I am tired, but I still had a great time.

I’m tweaking
onto a whole new level
step to this
I dare ya
on a whole new level
the rythmn is the base and the base is the treble
we brings
where rythmn is life
and life is rythmn

-Warren G
Lyrics to Regulate.