
Okay I am tired and busy, but just felt like posting something on this good old livejournal. Yesterday was super busy at work, but luckily Jennie came through with some excellent BoSox tickets and made my night much better than my day. It was free Nomar jersey night, so we battled the crowds but were able to get a couple. The seats were boss, right near home plate, even closer than Tuesday night. My hot dog tally for the night was five, I would have made a run for the record of 8, but I ran out of money. The game itself was going on, but I don’t remember much about it because of all the people watching. Lots of hot chicas. Mark and I talked to so many girls it was ridiculous, I alone ended up with ten phone numbers. It should be a busy couple of weeks with all of the dates I’ll be going on. One highlight from the game was when Mark noticed a billboard with morse code on it and asked if I knew morse code. I said no, but then decided to use google on my phone just to see if I could find a chart. Sure enough I did and ended up walking all over Fenway trying to translate every letter.
The sign said:
.-. . -..
… — ..
. . _ .. ___ _.

Good luck translating. We left the game in the top of the 9th, don’t ask me why, because I won’t tell you. The game was just starting to get good and from the looks of the highlight it became a nailbiter, but I lost 3 votes to 1 and we hopped in a cab and headed for the 21st Amendment. We made it for the end of BoCaNO, thank goodness. I don’t see what the big deal was and why we had to leave early. Oh well, we hung out there until 11:30 and I went home. I slept in this morning on accident and didn’t wake up until 6. Now I am at work.