B-E-A-Utiful weather, NOT!!!

I seemed to have made the most of this rainy drab weekend. I shall start with Friday, where I spent the beginning of my evening at Aqua with Heather. It was a cool bar though seemed a bit uptight for my taste. Upon returning home I called Travis and we went to Sylvan Street before going to the 11:45 Matrix Reloaded. It was better the second time, plus I was able to see the trailer for Matrix Revolutions. I didn’t get home until three.

Saturday I woke up late and went to the gym, making it four times in the last week, GO ME!! Nissa called and told me about game night at Britt’s so, I went home hung out and then picked all the girls up for some board games. We only played Trivial Pursuit, but that was enough, since it took three hours for Em and I to win the game. There was some controversy about my age and the fact that because I am older I have an unfair advantage. Oh well, what am I supposed to do. After the game I went home and just sat around and did nothing until two when I went to bed.

Sunday slept in again, I don’t know what has gotten into me. At around two I picked Em up and we went to the mall, so I could buy the new Mad About You DVD. After picking it up we went to get everybody else to go to see Bruce Almighty. It was hilarious, especially since I was sitting next to Becky, who has hands down the best laugh of anybody I know. After the movie we ate at Pizza Factory and then went to the beach and saw some fireworks. I dropped everybody off and went home to watch my new DVD, and come to find out it only had two of the three dvds. :o(

Today I woke up and went to breakfast with my mom and stepfather. Tried a Wonka Bar, which was great. Exchanged my DVD at the mall and went home to watch it. Picked my dad up and took him out to dinner at Not Your Average Joe’s. They are crazy about garlic in that place, “Vampires Beware”. Now I am sitting at home updating my LJ for all of you lovely readers. Tomorrow look for a less biographical entry. Until then, could somebody please stop the rain, I have had enough. Some food for thought, could you imagine if all this rain had been snow. OH MY!!!