Wow what a weekend!!!

Friday night in the North End with B-Rok, Beans and Essa
Friday night at Border Cafe
Foliage and ocean slideshow
Family day in Boston
Pumpkin Carving Party

Weekend by the Numbers
160 miles driven in my car
16 people I hung out with over the course of the weekend (B, B, V, L, F, B, C, J, R, M, K, A, M, S, J, C)
9 meals eaten
700 dollars spent (580 on computer stuff)
6 hours of taped television I watched
206 pictures takend
2.50 price of one rose not a package of two
5 times we played the predator game
20 minutes for Beans to finish her fajita
2 hawks/eagles in Boston Common feasting on squirrels
6 pictures of the eagle I took with other people’s cameras
125 minutes to go shopping for computer stuff
45 minutes until I finally listened to a song on my new iPod
8 hours spent with the Morin’s this weekend (Thanks for dinner, twice!!)
0 times I was bored this weekend