2003 by the numbers:
365 days
58 skier days
34,000 miles driven
40 days without my car
7 Dave Matthews shows (1 D&T, 4 DMB, 2 D&F)
3 Trips outside New England and New York ( Utah, Florida, Columbus, OH)
2,099 miles from home when in Utah (furthest ever)
21 states I was in at some point (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, UT, OH, IL, TX)
5 girls dated, feel like I am missing one OR 3 using John’s definition
0 times I had sex (879 days and counting)
277 livejournal entries
5 days longest consecutive streak without an entry (Jan1 - Jan5)
32 entries in March (high for year)
2 top ten life days (Alta Powder Day and Central Park Dave Matthews show)
4676 pictures taken on my new camera
1364 songs on my iPod
4 months in my new apartment
2700 dollars worth of damage to my car
230 days I worked
230 days I worked and wanted to quit

I got some new hats

My entry from last year CLASSIC PICTURES!!