Peaks and Valleys

My life over the last days has been a climb out of a valley and up to a high peak with an amazing view. Many of you have heard and at least saw how bad my day at work was on Friday. Basically expenses had major issues, they were different than the usual trouble, so it only took me about seven hours to get things working correctly. The problem began because of some random database calendar table shich hadn’t been updated since 1999 and the dates only went through the end 2004. Anyway the expenses did get out there and I did leave at the normal time. What would they have done without me? So I decided to pass up Bethel for the evening and go out with work friends. It was a good time.

On Saturday I went up to Maine and skiied. It was very very cold and the conditions were okay. I was really second guessing my decision to go skiing because of the cold and poor conditions. I had dinner with Noelle, Mark and Kate, which was followed up by the typical trip to the Grizzly. The place was packed and we finally got our group together and found some space in the corner. As usual I didn’t really venture out and meet anybody new because well I am just too damn shy. Upon returning home around 1:00 AM, my bed was occupied by some visitors as was every other bed in the house. I slept on the couch without a blanket because I couldn’t seem to find one. It was okay because of the pellet stove, but very uncomfortable.

Today the skiing was amazing. They made snow on all the right trails and it was cold and windy but compared to yesterday it was ten times better. Unfortunately we Kate, Amy and I left around 2:00 so we could be back in Boston for the Super Bowl. I dropped them at their respective houses and was home before the end of the first quarter. I watched the game on and off because I couldn’t deal with the stress. I did watch the final kick and the victory, it brought back some nasty memories of last October and the Red Sox defeat. Luckily the Pats aren’t cursed. I guess we will be going to a parade again this year, but the good news is the weather will be WARM (upper 30’s). Finally something new I can photograph.

A few miscellaneous photos

Was this really an accident? They don’t seem to be too surprised.

Oh what the hell I will also add this link for a video clip of me playing Big Eyed Fish Enjoy, more to come soon!!