Safe And Sound In Europe

I have only five minutes left to make this entry so I will try to squeeze in as much as I can. I made it to Logan yesterday in record time and proceeded to sit on my ass waiting for the plane to board. Once on the plane at 5:15, I of course had to partake in the fun art of seat switching. I ended up next to an Indian woman(dot not feather), she kind of smelled like Ramen noodles. We were just about to leave the gate and security came on the plane and escorted two girls off of the plane. One was crying the other was nonchalant about the whole thing. After they were removed we headed out to the runway and just before we were set to take off the pilot came on and told us we needed to return to the gate to take off the girl’s luggage. Bottom line the flight was delayed an extra hour. We finally took off at 7:15 and were on our way. The flight wasn’t bad I slept for about four hours. The only bad things was falling asleep and then some sort of food service was happening, so I had to wake up. Finally landed in Amsterdam and made my way through the airport. It was tough at first, but after asking help I was soon on my way to Amsterdam Central Station, with fifty Euros in hand. Okay time has run out. I did find Vanessa and we have been walking all over this crazy city.

Talk to you all soon,