Choo Choo!!!

I know I missed a day, sorry for all of you that were concerned. I am currently sitting in Köln, Deutsche Land. Pardon me if I accidentally type a z instead of a y, this kezboard is all fucked up. Okay so I made it safely to the castle from Brussels. It was a long daz on the train, but somehow I managed to find the place. It is a very quaint and quiet place. The hotel is about 1.5 km from the castle which is a long walk at 1AM. I got to meet a ton of Emerson people and let me tell you they were very Emerson. We went to a nice pub in Well for some yummy Toasties aka Grilled cheese. Mom if you truly have a map set up you can find Well in Southeastern Netherlands, between Venlo and Nijmegen. We had a little travel trouble this morning and ended up back tracking a little but eventually found our way to Köln. The hostel situation is prettz sketch though. We found the address in the Turkish/Kurdish part of the city. Rang a buzzer and the voice on the other end said five minutes. All of a sudden this fat guy shows up, I have no idea where he was from Middle Eastern/Asian maybe. He takes us inside and makes Vanessa fill out some form, we hand him 80 Euro and he shows us our room. The room is fine I am just thankful we only have to walk there once in the dark, or rather run there. Tomorrow morning we are going to the Chocolate museum, which should be exciting. The city is very beautiful, but still just a city. I look forward to coming home and getting out in Bethel and relaxing for a change. But not until after we have been to one of the largest cities in the world, London. Oh boy its only a couple of days away. Finally the chance to hear some English and see some English signs. Well for now I must go this is costing me an arm and a leg.

I hear you guys are going to get some snow, thats very exciting. It is about 70 here and conveniently I only have a ski parka. Nothing like standing out in a foreign country.

Talk to zou all soon,