Epic Entry

I am quite exhausted today, because of the craziness I have experienced over the past three days. Since I never once came across a computer in my travels I haven’t been able to update this journal. Well I am getting ahead of myself though, it all began on Monday morning. After waking up and getting ready for work, I received a text message on my phone giving me instructions to go to exit 21 on I 495 and be there before the end of the hour. At first I thought it was a joke and just deleted the message and continued preparing for work. No more than five minutes later the message appeared again, but this time with the addition of “bring your passport”. I thought for a minute and realized how boring my life is and how much I could use some sort of excitement. I grabbed my passport, my camera, iPod and a Nalgene full of water and ran for my car. My watch showed that I only had thirty more minutes to get to the exit.

Ooh I hate work. I would love to finish this, but of course everything here is going wrong again. Oh well it was going to be good.
