More Dentist

So I went back to the dentist and for those of you keeping score at home this is the third time in three weeks. I sat there for a while waiting to be helped and then finally was seated in a room.
The techician said, “Are you ready for your root canal.”
I responded, “Ah I am only here for an exam.”
She realized her error and moved me to the correct room. Now this is the second time this has happened, but in some odd way I feel it means I belong at this dentist.

So I had my X-rays done and the doctor came in to look at my mouth. So here is the break down I need two fillings replaced, my three wisdom teeth extracted, a cleaning and to have a section of my tongue looked at further to make sure it isn’t cancerous. Overall a good day for me here in Boston. Now I have an appointment for a cleaning next Tuesday and another one for the oral surgeon to check out my wisdom teeth and my tongue. That will be five visits in four weeks, it means I will have been to the dentist more in the last five weeks than I had in the prior eight years. Still two more to come after next week too.

On the bright side they haven’t told me it would be easier to just remove all of my teeth and get dentures. My weekend away and vacation next week will not come soon enough.