Oh Boy!!

So as anybody who has spoken to me in the last couple of days knows I am sick. It is just a head cold, tight chest, runny nose and a cough, but in this weather it is completely unbearable. I think I am not alone in saying I wish it was Autumn already. If we have to deal with it getting dark around eight o’clock now we should at least be blessed with some cooler, drier weather. Hopefully it will be drying out in the next couple of days, I just can’t take this much longer. Yesterday was a perfect example of how the humidity makes me more stressed. I went to work early to do some expenses work and was able to leave early. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to enjoy the day because the night before I had received a cable bill stating that I owed $300 because of unreturned equipment. So when I got home yesterday I pulled the cable box and modem out of the closet, but quickly realized I was missing the remote control. For the next twenty minutes I tore through all of my belongings, in my scorching hot room, looking for the stupid remote. No luck! Time was running out because I had to drive all the way to Salem by five to drop it off and every minute I spent looking the traffic was getting worse. I cut my losses and jumped into the car. Luckily I made it to Salem with a half hour to spare, but I couldn’t find the place. It was hot and sticky while I called Ken at work to have him run a google search for me. Five minutes later I was standing in the Comcast office while the annoying clerk was talking on the phone. She never hung up the phone and kept chatting while returning my equipment. Fortunately she didn’t say anything about the remote and I made it out of there with an $18 credit balance. Woohoo, that will show them.

Spotsylvania Battle Information
Civil War Battle Naming

Two words to live by challenge and reinforce.