Oh W

In an apparent misstatement while speaking of medical liability for OB-GYN doctors, the president said, ““We’ve got an issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.”

On Saturday I went hiking up Mount Adams with Mark and Kate. We went up the King Ravine and I must say it was absolutely beautiful. Of all the 4000 footers I have done so far it has to be my favorite. The ravine was huge and made me feel as small as dust next to the giant rocks and the steep headwall. If you ever want to go on a somewhat difficult, but amazing hike try this one out.

Mt Adams Slideshow

I was surprised to find it so nice out yesterday. It was definitely what the meteorologists call a top ten day. I spent most of the morning recovering from the hike and then met Jen’s parents out in Sturbridge. They were great and I think they even might have liked me. Lunch was hilarious there were all of these elderly people at the Sturbridge Bistro and they were just classic old people. One of the women was having the worst time trying to use a video camera so Jen went over and helped her out. I must say though it was frightening when they all left because each little old woman hopped into a different car and they kept backing up all over the place. I thought for sure I was going to get hit.