I Went Skiing

Believe it or not I actually went skiing this past weekend. I drove up on Friday night did the Suds thing and skied on both Saturday and Sunday. It was very cold on Saturday, I was a bit scared when I called the ski phone and the temperature at the base was two degrees. I ended up skiing with all sorts of different people, one might say a perfect mix of ski companions. What else, hmmm?!? Not much really just a typical weekend in Maine. I did go to the Mattherhorn for the first time since they remodeled it. I liked what I saw. Last night I drove home and finished up Jen’s my top secret project for Jen. Now I just have to put all the pieces together. This week looks like a busy one with wrapping on Monday and Tuesday, Amy’s party on Wednesday and Christmas with Jen on Thursday night. No work on Friday woohoo so I will be sitting home all day until a party at my dad’s on Friday night. Saturday will be another day of sitting around Somerville not doing much of anything and then on Sunday Jen comes back from CT and we go to my mom’s for Christmas brunch (Boxing Day Brunch) and then it is off for two days of skiing at Sunday River.

Sunday River Slideshow with Andy in a one piece ski suit Email me for the full size picture for your desktop. keegsands@gmail.com