Question Marks

I recently realized I have a very hard time using question marks. I will often times write a question in an email and end the sentence with a period. It probably has to do with my horrible history in the subject of English. Wow looking back at my writing today is very disturbing. What is wrong with me these days? I can’t write anything that makes sense or is in the least bit interesting.

Since I can’t write today here are some pictures:
BoCaNO at Grendel’s Den
Weekend In Bethel

After battling the flu a.k.a. The PIP all last week Jen and I went up to Sunday River for some rest and relaxation. It didn’t start off that way though because first I had to sand the driveway at the Outpost. We stopped in Amesbury to get sand, which was an adventure in itself since the 100 lb container I put in my trunk broke and required me to take all of the stuff out of my trunk so it would sit nicely on the floor. We finally got to the Outpost at 11:00 and I spread out all of the sand with my hands because the shovel didn’t fit in the container. It was a mess, but I survived. Saturday was a ski day and upon returning home my very wonderful girlfriend had baked brownies and walked to town to get food for dinner. We ate a lovely dinner of bow tie pasta, feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes and chicken sausage before going to the Grizzly for some dancing. It was a great time. Jen got to see “Middle Aged Dancer Woman”, who’s breasts nearly popped right out of her shirt. We also saw the weird guy with the tight white shirt dancing. He is a freaky dancer, I mean really freaky. Sunday morning had me waking up way too late and rushing to a full mountain. The conditions were okay, but it was just too crowded for my liking. I went home at one and was back in Somerville by five.

A nice weekend overall, it was so nice to get out of Somerville for a change. The week ahead looks to be relatively busy with an evening of mulled cider today, wine tasting tomorrow night, BoCaNO on Wednesday, dinner on Friday night and on Saturday we are driving to Connecticut to spend the weekend with Jen’s parents.