Different State of Mind

Where do I start this entry? I have so many ideas bouncing around my brain I just don’t know where to begin. Alright I have decided I am going to start with a funny story (well for everybody but me) and then move on to other things.

I woke up Friday and didn’t have to go to work, now most people would consider me lucky, but when I don’t have anything to do I just hate days off. I started the day by watching some television I had taped over the week. The videos occupied most of my morning and after helping my coworker solve a couple problems at work I hopped in the shower to get clean. The only task I had hoped to accomplish all day was getting my car inspected, so I hopped in my car and began driving around Somerville looking for a place to get the job done.

Finally in Medford I found a gas station that did inspections and pulled in to the parking lot. I saw a sign in the back of the lot that said, “Park here for inspections have money and registration ready.” As per my usual situation I didn’t have any cash on me so I parked the car next to a pick up truck with a plow, and ran inside to ask if I could pay with a debit card. They said debit cards were fine, so I ran out to the car and started to drive towards the sign from earlier. I started moving and then heard a terrible scraping sound. I stopped the car, tried to back up, but found myself stuck. I immediately jumped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side only to see a long scrape along the side of my car and the plow now stuck under my rear wheel well. I was perplexed and couldn’t figure out how to get the car out. I walked in to the garage and told the mechanics my situation and they quickly came out to assist me with my problem. It was really wedged in there, so they had to bring a jack out to raise my car off of the plow and then the other guy backed the plow up. I was/am so angry with myself for doing something so stupid. It isn’t that bad since the piece of trim took most of the brunt of the damage. I am sure it will cost several hundred dollars to fix. Stupid stupid stupid.

Other things that happened over the weekend:
Saw “The Aviator” and thought it was okay.
Checked out an apartment over near Teele Square. Eh!!
Ate a scruptious dinner at Amelia’s
Checked out an apartment on Willow Ave and it was amazing. More details to come hopefully.
Saw “Finding Neverland” with Jen and Melissa. My favorite so far.

Today is Valentine’s day and it I find it very unusual how so many people actually where red today. You look everywhere and all you see is red. I think it is strange how the holiday has affected our culture so much that people now change how they dressed based on the day.

Have a happy Valentine’s day!!!!