New Apartment

Last night Jennifer and I went to our new apartment to do measurements and also to take some New Apartment Pictures. We were there for an hour or so and measured nearly everything in the place. There is also a movie I might try to upload later on today. It is very exciting that in less than two weeks we will have our stuff all moved in over there. I can’t wait!!!

Since my last entry not much else has gone on, besides a lot of work at my new job and BoCaNO. Oh yeah Jennifer and I did go out for Ethiopian food on Tuesday and it was pretty good. We both agreed afterwards though that for the price we could certainly expect more food than we received. Plus my hands smelled of spicy food for the rest of the week, which I didn’t really enjoy.

Tonight I am going up to Maine for the weekend. It sounds like a picture perfect spring skiing weekend, sunny with highs in the 40’s. It might be time to leave the backpack at home.

Have a great weekend,