Cool Bug

How do you like that picture? I found him on the beach Saturday. Jennifer, Melissa and I went to Salisbury on Saturday to cool off from this awful heat wave. The good news is that the awful weather is coming to an end. It is supposed to drop down into the sixties this afternoon. I can’t wait these last few nights have been unbearable.

It was a relatively busy weekend. Like I said we went to the beach on Saturday and then visited my mom’s house. On Sunday Jennifer and I went to the cafe down the street and then to Harvard Square to watch the Dragon Boat races. It was really hot even down by the river and we only lasted about an hour. In order to cool off we went and saw Crash at the movies. It was a strange racially charged movie, at times I felt uncomfortable by some of the things they were saying onscreen. Overall I guess it was a good movie though.

The countdown continues toward my last day at State Street. Only four more days to go. It has been hard getting motivated once I am there, but the number of projects I have has decreased to two. I can’t wait to get out of there.

Have a great day!!!!