Fells Foliage Hike

Fells Foliage Photos

Jennifer and I took advantage of the beautiful weather yesterday afternoon and went for a little hike in the Fells. The hike didn’t start out so well due to my stepping in a big pile of dog poo, but after that everything was wonderful. I had never actually been there before, but I really liked the trails, except for the general lack of blazes. We went up to Wright’s tower and saw a great view of the city. The tower was covered in lady bugs which I thought was strange, and the longer you stood next to it the more ladybugs attached on to your clothing. We wandered aimlessly for a little while and then stopped next to a brook. I spent a few minutes redirecting the water before deciding I should just leave it the way it was when I got there. Finally we stopped at the Panther Cave and did a little spelunking.

Today was halloween and I bought a bunch of candy to hand out to trick or treaters. Only about 20 kids showed up so I started handing candy out to adults walking by, but only one adult accepted the offer. At least I know how much candy to by next year.

Happy Halloween everybody!!!!