Engagement Announcement

Its been a good week so far, the weather was so good today that it has me very excited about spring. Our engagement was recently in the Newburyport News and also in some CT newspaper. Here is the link to the CT newspaper Engagement Announcement.

Last weekend I spent Saturday in Somerville doing some cleaning and a little bit of work. On Sunday I got up in the morning and drove up to Amesbury to visit my mom and then continued on to Bethel. Kate and I went for a walk when I got there and after we picked Mark up we hung out at the house for a while. For dinner we did a take out deal and watched Wedding Crashers. The next morning I woke up and got ready to go skiing, when I got a message that I had to do a little bit of work. Eventually I made it up to the mountain and skiied for a few hours. The conditions were pretty bad, but luckily they made snow on a couple trails so if you stayed on those trails it was okay. It was nice to be outside and enjoying the fresh air for a change.

I drove home afterwards and went to dinner with Jennifer. Today my C. Crane FM transmitter arrived in the mail and I have it hooked up at home now. What this means is I can turn the Sirius radio on in the bedroom and hear it on every radio in the house. It is very exciting and now I can work in the morning and still listen to the Stern show, we can also listen to commercial free music anywhere in the house.

The end of the week is nearly here, which is great because Jennifer and I are going up to Portland for a couple days. I took Friday off from work and told her we needed to go away for a couple days. It will be awesome to go on vacation especially since it has been so busy at work lately.
