Quick Update

Nonna sent me this photo of her with Kaleb and I think it is a cute one so I have posted it. Today we found out that Kaleb gained 40 grams over the last 24 hours, which was phenomenal progress. He also lost the last bit of his umbilical cord this morning, Jennifer saved it for me to see and she also took a photo that will get posted later. For lunch today Andy and I drove over to Winchester hospital so he could visit the little man. It was really great that he wanted to visit, it is just too bad that Kaleb was so sleepy and he didn’t get to see him in action. I am sure he will have plenty of time for that later though.

I am just about to close up work, so I can get back over there and visit.

Kaleb: Day Ten

I just got home from visiting Kaleb. We had a little father/son time at the six pm feeding and then my mom and Jon stopped in to say hi. Unfortunately he was back in in house when they got there. Speaking of his house, it seems that he seems to be managing his temperature relatively well and my be taken out of the insolette and put in an unheated bassinet. Very exciting although a bit louder for him.