He keeps growing and growing and growing

Kaleb: Day 33

The big news to report is that our little boy is getting plenty fat and fast. It is amazing how his little cheeks have puffed out and he is getting meat all over his bones. I am sure he ways nearly 6 ½ pounds at this point, we will know for sure on Monday morning. He has been downing milk like there is no tomorrow and tonight finished nearly 3 ounces compared to the 2 ounces he could barely finish last week. The sooner we get him up in weight the sooner Jennifer can switch over to just breast feeding, we don’t want him to get too comfortable with the bottles. Besides his weight he has been a bit more active and stays up for over an hour in sometimes. It is still a week until his due date and I think he is going to be right on par to where he would have been if he stayed where he belonged. Its amazing that his due date is almost here, because it feels like we have known him for so damn long.

In non-baby life I am excited to get a couple days off from work, because it has just been crazy. I have been working like crazy, yet still not getting to the work I would really like to do. We are starting to grow at such a fast rate, we are having a hard time keeping up with it and progressing. It feels like we are doing more customer roll outs, but less work to make customer roll outs easier. Luckily there are more people on the team that are able to work on customer stuff which makes life a little bit easier. We’ll see how things go in the coming months. The other big news is that we are going to buy our new MacBook tomorrow. The old laptop has served us well, but it is starting to frustrate us between the slow speed, lack of hard disk space and broken keyboard keys, we decided it is time to move on. I am really excited for the new computer because I will finally get to do some movie editing and will get some nicely edited movies up on google video by the end of the weekend. I’m not making any promises, but they should be much better than the past few movies. I also will be able to do some podcasting again, which I thoroughly enjoyed and maybe even some video podcasts.

We’ll see!!!