Brief Update

Not much to report. LiveJournal is finally working again so I was able to post the full entry from the weekend (see below). Last night we once again put Kaleb down in his bassinet at nine to get him more used to going to bed early, so far so good. This morning we gave him a bath to help clean him up after he had poo all the way up his back. He didn’t seem to care and actually got a kick out of me showing him the messy onesie.

I came home a bit early from work to spend time with him and we had a great evening. We went for a couple walks, the second walk started out slowly, because we kept stopping and chatting with people. It gave Kaleb a chance to really go crazy though, he was jabbering so much and kicking his legs. It was hilarious, I will be adding a video to this post later.


I just updated so it will display the actual livejournal because there was a problem with some of the photos and slideshows not showing up. So in the future just go to
