100,000 Miles

The weekend started off a bit early because I decided to take Friday off. We ended up sleeping in until around ten, which is crazy late, but once up we moved quickly and were in Portland by one. The goal of the trip was to first of all get out of Boston and away from work, but also to pick up some Dave’s Insanity Salsa. I know it seems silly, but it is the hottest I have ever had and it can’t be bought anywhere else that I know of besides the internet. We went to Le Reux found the salsa and then went for lunch at the Crooked Mile cafe, our typical lunchtime destination when in Portland. We shopped around for a little while, before returning to the car. Once we were underway I called Jennie and we met her for ice cream in Wells. We caught up with her for quite a while and then continued towards Amesbury. We stopped in at my moms while Kaleb ate and then made it back home.

Saturday I woke up bright and early, well at least early for me nowadays. I had to get up because it was the annual Agawam River Canoe trip. I picked up a mocha and made my way over to the Back Bay to get Amy. We made it down in record time and met up with everybody else. The logistics of the trip had been worked out before we got there, but all the components were still in transit. Once everything was in place we set out after the first cranberry bog, which helped cut out a lot of the bushwhacking. It was a very humid day, but there was a nice wind to balance it and kept it cool. I was partnered up with Amy and while we did struggle a bit, due to my terrible driving skills, we did make it in one piece. I did manage to fall in at one portage, but luckily all of my stuff was on dry land at the time. The highlight of the trip wasn’t my fall though it was when Kelly managed to get the kayak stuck sideways in the rapids and then capsized sending her thirty feet down stream. She was alright, but I have to say it was crazy to watch. We emptied the water out of her kayak and all continued on our merry way to Wareham harbor. It was another great trip, I can’t wait until next year.

Today required another early morning and I was in worse shape than yesterday. We needed to go down to Connecticut for Kaleb’s postponed baby shower. He was supposed to have one in Connecticut, but since he came early it was never able to happen. It turned out okay because now everybody got to attend a meet Kaleb party instead, which I think everybody benefits from. There were a ton of people there, so I won’t bother naming everybody. A fun time was had by all especially after they all indulged in some apparently strong margaritas care of sir. Kaleb as expected was passed all round and he handled it fairly well, although somewhere near the end he started to get fussy. We ended up settling him down and he slept until right before we had to leave, so we were able to feed him and he made it home without waking up. All in all a fantastic week, with lots of activity and not much sleep. Thank god the work week is about to start. Oh yeah and on the way there I passed the 100,000 mile mark on my odometer. Not bad for only having the car for 4 ½ years.