Hot Summer Days

The summer has finally arrived and we have been forced to live in the bedroom, because it is the only air conditioned room in the house. Kaleb has been doing okay and the heat hasn’t bothered him too much. I think he actually likes it because he gets to just wear a diaper. Sunday was a quiet day, we met Cara and Jeff for breakfast and then walked down to Harvard Square to relax at JFK Park. Rich came over and met us at the park and we went and got some ice cream. We came back home and that was the end of our quiet weekend.


EDIT: Google has come up with another amazing feature to Picasa photos. You can now link photos to locations on a map and then view photos on the map and all sorts of cool things. If you want to check it out click the link to view the album and there are a couple places where you can view the photos on a map.