Long Time No Post

My apologies for the huge delay between entries. It has been a very hectic over the last week between moving, closing, moving and work stuff. So last weekend I ended up driving back and forth between Amesbury and Somerville about six times, on the bright side we got most of our stuff moved. On Monday night we had the walk-through of the new house, which went well. However, near the end of the walk-through we got a call saying the mortgage company was having trouble verifying Jennifer’s employment and the closing was postponed from 9AM to 1PM. We tried our best to keep things on schedule by calling Jennifer’s HR worker, but the mortgage company needed to talk to them at their work number. The next morning things were find and we went through the entire closing and received the keys. The catch was that it was getting late in the day and they weren’t sure if they could get the house “On The Record”, but the attorney gave us the keys and let us go. Now the seller also closed on a place earlier in the day and couldn’t move in until we were “On The Record”. Anyway we started moving in when we got a call at 3:45 saying the closing still wasn’t “On The Record” and almost had to move our stuff back out. At the very last minute everything worked out though and we were able to continue the move.

Since then we have really settled in and it feels like we have lived here for years. Jennifer has done a wonderful job of unpacking and we are pretty much all moved in at this point with the exception of some crates of clothes on the back porch. I have been hard at work in the yard. Yesterday and today I spent a good eight hours total lopping, sawing and raking. You can really see the difference in the front corner of the yard where I have really cleared out a bunch of stuff and it is really coming along.

Now for the update you have all been waiting for, Kaleb. He has handled the move relatively well except for his sleeping habits. Before we left he would go to sleep without too much difficulty, but since we have been here it has been a real struggle. Tonight has worked out the best, but it didn’t come easy. The other problem is that we are so tired and don’t have the energy to battle with him so we have been letting him sleep in our bed. Developmentally he reached a new milestone by rolling over. He has only done it once, but we were quite proud of him when he did it.

Okay I am tired it is time for bed now.
