Kaleb's Six Month Party

This past weekend we had a little get together to celebrate Kaleb’s six month birthday and our housewarming. We had a ton of people here and did some cooking on our new grill (thanks to the in-laws). Everbody seemed to have a good time although they all left before we actually got to eat the cake Jennifer made. It worked out pretty well for us though since we had an entire cake to enjoy over the last couple of days.

Since Jen’s parents were stayed with us we were able to cut down a bunch of trees. The yard is really coming along. I finally got a start on the back and right side of the yard. I can’t believe how good it looks, it should be done just in time for autumn :P

Kaleb is doing better than ever, he is now eating solid foods such as oatmeal cereal, peaches, bananas and apple sauce. Tonight it was really cute because he was really excited about eating. Jennifer would move the spoon towards his mouth and he would open it right up and do his pit bull impression as the spoon approached. He was downing the food like crazy. He also kind of took a bottle this morning, which is some major progress. We went over my mom’s house for a little while and left Kaleb there and as is typical for him lately he cried like crazy. It is certainly going to be interesting in a couple of weeks when Jennifer goes back to school.

The other big news was with the house. The roofers finished our new roof in just a couple days. It looks really great and we are really excited about having that huge task behind us. Now we need to focus on the wet basement and getting it dried out.

Thats the update for now.