Hot Weather Returns

The cool and dry weather of the middle of last week was officially replaced with classic summer weather. Apparently there was even a record high temperature at Logan Airport yesterday of 96 degrees. It was hot in Merrimac, but not too bad. We did go up to my mom’s house and went swimming, but it was a little toasty to be refreshing (ninety two degrees). We spent the rest of the day laying around and watching a bit of tv. The house stays very cool in the hot weather so the fact that we don’t have AC downstairs isn’t really an issue.

Today I got outside early and cleaned up the back of the right side of the yard and now the yard work, at least the cleaning up, is nearly complete. I opened up a ton of new space and now we just have to decide what to do with it. My initial thoughts are to plant some grass seed, but we may end up putting in some sort of a vegetable garden for next year. Either way the mess that had been there is gone, it was just a bunch of dried up old weed stalks and a rotting arbor that collapsed long ago. The grapes over there are crazy they have grown up the apple tree and up towards the willow tree, some of them are at least twenty feet off the ground. We really need to figure out what we are going to do with them, since they seem a little bit out of control.

Kaleb has been handling the heat fairly well, but it has made him extra tired. He has really been downing solids very well and moved on to pears this past week. I have been working with him on his standing.

Finally, tomorrow is the first test of Kaleb spending the day at my mom’s house without Jennifer or I there. Jennifer has a class all day at school and I have to be at work. Luckily I don’t have to leave for work until 9:30 so he will only have to last six hours. So far whenever we leave him there he just cries the whole time, its going to be a long day for all involved, but hopefully we can get him to understand that we will be coming back.

I’ll keep you all posted on how it goes tomorrow.