Grass and ScooperBowl

We just got back from the ScooperBowl and Kaleb is now running around the house like a crazy man. Unfortunately it was an event I planned so only one person, Andy, showed up besides Jennifer, Kaleb and I. We still had a great time, but I wish more people could have gone. I didn’t try for any records tonight and ended up only eating around ten cups of ice cream. I did take photos, but haven’t put them on the computer yet.

The other thing I want to mention is that the grass I planted a week and a half ago is sprouting like crazy. It popped up all of a sudden on Saturday morning and everyday has grown by leaps and bounds. I was reminded of this when I pulled into the driveway tonight and it looked like we had one complete lawn. I know it will be a while before I have to mow, but I am so excited about it. The best part is that our neighbors re-did their lawn a week before me and they only have spotty bits of grass. Nice!!!
