Kaleb's First Christmas

Christmas 2007

We celebrated Kaleb’s first Christmas last week and it was exactly what one might expect from a 10 month old. First of all he didn’t really get it and just ended up getting frustrated with the whole thing. I think he didn’t like how crowded it was in his normal play area and on top of that every time he got a hold of wrapping paper we took it away from him. He seems to look at paper these days in the same way that Jennifer and I look at chocolate. Today he even managed to get some paper from an emery board. Anyway once the morning of present opening was over he had a very difficult time falling asleep, which only compounded the problem. Eventually he did fall asleep in his bouncy seat, which ave us a chance to prepare for the party. Once everybody arrived for the party he was wide awake and glad to see all of the guests. It didn’t take long for him to run out of gas though and a couple hours in we tried to get him to take a nap with no luck. He was pretty exhausted, but still behaved so well. Finally once everybody cleared out we were able to get him to take a nap and upon waking up he was in good spirits.

Fast forward to Friday and Kaleb came down with a cold and has had a runny nose and a dry throat ever since. He is still happy, but is very squeaky and slimy. Besides that he is doing well and has really become super mobile over the last couple weeks. We are finally to the point where you can’t leave the room without him tearing across the room and getting in to something he shouldn’t be touching. Standing up is no big deal now and once he is up ends up cruising all over the place. I can say with almost complete confidence right now that in only a few weeks he will be walking on his own.

A snow storm has already started and depending on the network you listen to we are getting anywhere from 1 to 10 inches. This coupled with my mom’s New Year’s Eve party tomorrow afternoon probably measn we won’t be going in to Boston to see the ice sculptures and other First Night displays. Oh well maybe next year.


White Christmas Guarantee?

Kaleb: Day 298

Kaleb: Day 300

The snowstorms continue to hit us up here in Merrimac. On Thursday we were hammered with a quick daytime storm that dumped about 8 inches on us in a short five hour time span. Luckily I left work around 12:40 and my commute was only an extra ten minutes compared to some people in Boston who sat in traffic for up to six hours. Some students at Jennifer’s school didn’t get home until 8 pm.

Today we were hit again with another 8 inch storm, but this one dragged out for a much longer period of time and fell short of its true potential when it turned to rain about halfway through the day. I ended up shoveling at the perfect time while the snow was still dry and light.

Besides the snow it was a very busy weekend. Yesterday we went out for a late breakfast at Me and Ollie’s and had our photos taken for the locals board. I stayed around and worked while Jennifer and Kaleb went back home to prepare for our holiday party. Once I was home I started making pizza sauce for the pizzas I planned on making at the party. It turned out to be a good idea because the pizza was a big hit. The party was also a hit, we ended up with about 15 people at the house and it went very well. Its always fun when we have a party, because it is such a hodge-podge of our friends. Everybody usually has fun, well at least it seems that way plus they drive all the way up from Boston, we must be doing something right.

Kaleb had a great weekend although he was mostly stuck in the house, which I am sure at this point is getting old. Jennifer and I both recognized how much he has changed over the last couple weeks, not only is he standing up and moving around (not crawling or walking yet) with great ease, but his personality has really come out as of late. He now reacts to more things and is much more animated. He also has been talking a lot more adding several new sounds to his repertoire. He had another first yesterday, the first time he reacted to me taking something away from him. He was chomping on some bread and I grabbed the bread and he immediately started growling at me until I gave him the bread back. Before that he would normally just move on to something else and forget about the bread, but not this time.


Cardboard Sledding

Kaleb: Day 296

I watched Kaleb today and while I cleaned off the car I had him sit on a piece of cardboard in his snowsuit. He was a great kid and just played around with the snow. Once my car was cleaned off I dragged him around the yard a little bit. We eventually made it to the back yard where there is a little bit of a hill. You know what comes next, I helped pack down a little trail for him and he took several short trips sledding down the hill. He loved it and even tried to scootch forward to get the ride started. Unfortunately he did do one face plant before one of the rides down, but recovered quickly.


Quiet Weekend

Kaleb: Day 295

As strange as it may seem so close to Christmas we had a very quiet weekend. Saturday we met up with some friends for lunch, but before we did we took the opportunity to get a little shopping in. Oh I almost forgot on Friday night we went out to dinner and we ordered Kaleb his own meal for the first time. It was a grilled cheese sandwich at a Mexican restaurant, but he loved it and did very well. Ever since Jamison showed us that baby’s can eat more than just canned baby food we have stepped up the difficulty level a bit. Of course sometimes that makes for nervous instances of coughing and spitting up. Kaleb also has progressed with movement. He sits up from lying down without a problem now and even crawled a couple paces forward. He is as daring as ever when it comes to standing next to things, often times going from one object to another.

Today we didn’t have anything planned, so I decided to go out and do some work at a local cafe called Me and Ollies. It takes about fifteen minutes to get there, but is the best place around for just sitting, sipping a coffee and working. I was able to get a lot done so I only have to work for a few hours tomorrow evening. My mom is working tomorrow so I will be watching Kaleb, as long as the weather is okay we will be going into the new CaseNET office tomorrow to unpack my stuff. Unfortunately, we are supposed to get a few inches of snow tonight followed by sleet and freezing rain in the morning.


Christmas Tree is Up

Kaleb: Day 290

Here are some new photos of recent events at our house. First we went out and got a Christmas tree and set up all of our Christmas decorations. We also received our first snowstorm and I learned the joys of shoveling a crushed stone driveway.


Snow is on the Way

Kaleb: Day 285

It was another busy week, especially due to the extra time I had to put in working. It all paid off on Friday when I went with the sales team to a demo of our software in Boston. Now I know its further from coding than what I am currently doing, but it still more fun than what I am currently doing. Unfortunately getting to Boston for 9AM isn’t exactly easy so I left around 6:30 and met Kate for breakfast, just in case traffic was crazy. We met at True Grounds, the same place we used to meet all the time. The scones were just as good as I remember them.

As for Kaleb’s week, he slept a lot more than me and didn’t have nearly as many meetings. He did have his first bubble bath (you can see how he felt about that in the photos). He is standing up while holding on to things all the time now and it really seems like only a short while before he will take those first steps. He has also been eating level 3 baby food without trouble, when he first started he had a little trouble with the big chunks.

Bedtime has changed slightly since last month, our doctor told us to try and feed him as much as possible and to push his bedtime back an hour. He suggested this because we told him how we always have to rock him to sleep before putting him down. Now we put him down and he cries for a couple minutes but then goes right off to sleep from pure exhaustion. Unfortunately he continues to wake up between 9:30 and 10:00, which is tough because he won’t just go back to sleep easily and letting him cry to sleep has failed to work so far even after 20 minutes of sobbing. Now we are determined to break this awful habit, so we can enjoy our bed without a little person stuck in between us.

Yesterday Jamison and Megan came up to visit. We played at the house for a couple hours and then we went downtown to Flatbread for lunch. Jamison is such a cutie and is such a great kid, Kaleb is lucky to have her for a girlfriend.

Today we are hoping to find a nice Christmas tree and will try and attend the Merrimac Santa parade. It sounds like a busy day ahead, I am sure Kaleb is up for it though considering he just slept for quite a while in his high chair. Oh yeah and one more thing it sounds like snow is on the way for tonight and tomorrow, although it is not really clear how much we will receive in Merrimac. Being this close to the ocean always messes things up and makes each storm a complete mystery.


Kaleb's First Thanksgiving

Kaleb's First Thanksgiving

We went down to Connecticut for Kaleb’s first Thanksgiving. I would go into more detail, but right now I have a pounding headache and I am exhausted.

We did have a great time though. Kaleb has been mumbling “Momma” all weekend long, it is his new word thing. In other development news he successfully sat up from laying on his stomach Saturday morning. He also managed to crawl/scootch backwards. He seems to have come down with a cold and his voice is very raspy. Sometimes its funny because his crying just doesn’t sound right.

Okay now we are off to bed.

Sleepy Eating

Kaleb was a bit sleepy while eating yesterday morning. Here is a video:

We are heading down to Connecticut for the holiday. The plan is to leave on Thursday morning to try and avoid the traffic. We’ll see if thats going to work.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Another Week Ends

Another busy week is finally coming to an end and once again I am exhausted. It is a little combination of being busy, almost frantic, at work and Kaleb’s early mornings. Its okay though because it means time is scooting right along and we are that much closer to paying off our house (only 356 more payments to go). Kaleb has been doing very well and got a clean bill of health from the doctor. For the record he is now 26.5” long and weight 15lbs 3oz. His height actually puts him in the 5th percentile for his age, which means he is now on the chart. After talking to the doctor about his sleep schedule we have pushed back his bed time an hour so he is more tired and it has really worked out well. Jennifer has been putting him to bed while he is still awake and he cries/fusses for about five minutes before passing out.

I am not quite sure about our itinerary for the weekend outside of a couple get-togethers with friends. I have compiled quite a queue of shows on the TiVo and kind of feel compelled to watch all of that stuff. I also bought the latest installment in the Mario series called Super Mario Galaxy and I want to get some time in playing it. Jon has also said he will come over and we can remove the rotted shelving from the basement.

That’s it for now.


A Chill Is in the Air

Kaleb: Day 266

The true autumn like weather has arrived and for now I am okay with it. It hasn’t been cold enough to break out the winter jacket, which still keeps me happy. It was another relatively quiet weekend, a little yard work, a little trip to Newburyport, a little shopping, nothing to involved. Yesterday we went over to Stella’s in Newburyport for a delicious breakfast, Kaleb was a good kiddo and just hung out in his high chair snacking on our his food and a little of our food. We then returned home and I went outside to rake leaves and went crazy on our grapevines. You see we have these wonderful Concord grapevines in our backyard, but they were really taking over several smaller bushes and were just plain out of control. So I ripped them out of the trees and trimmed them back so we can hopefully attach them to an arbor in the spring. After the yard work we piled into the car and went shopping up in Salem, NH.

Today we had the morning I have always dreamed about having. My wife and son in the kitchen of our house eating a breakfast of scones and mocha’s, while listening to some nice “coffee house” type music. It was just wonderful, and goes to show just how great things have become in my life. A little later in the morning, my mom and Jon came over to install new smoke detectors throughout the house. We had some, but they didn’t have a battery back up so if the power went out they wouldn’t have worked. I had also bought some electronic themostats a while back and Jon was able to hook those up. No more cold mornings downstairs!!! After they left we went over to the cemetery to pay our respects to my grandparents, Arthur and Gigi. Jennifer had asked if we could a few weeks ago and since it was Veteran’s day it seemed like the perfect time. Kaleb slept in his car seat while Jennifer and I shared a few tears. It was beautiful over there with the giant oak leaves falling in the chilly autumn sunshine. We then grabbed some lunch before returning home for the rest of the day.

Since five I have been working on a little project for work. I am working on something I would like to get done during the work week, but just don’t have time for it. Its sort of strange that I can’t do the my real job during the week and have to save it for the spare moments I can scrape up.

There was some big news in the world of Kaleb. Friday afternoon he rolled over from his back to his front for the first time. He has been rolling from front to back for a while now, but this was the first time that he was able to pull the other arm from underneath him. Of course this means he is now able to roll across the floor and has on more than one occasion rolled off onto the hard wood floor.

Hopefully I will have some photos up soon.

Long Weekend (1 hour longer than normal)

New England Aquarium

As my dad pointed out today it was a long weekend thanks to the moving of the clock back an hour to officially end daylight savings time. We had a very relaxed Saturday and an uber busy Sunday. We mostly stayed in on Saturday with the exception of a late afternoon trip to Panera. Today we met the Noonan’s at the New England Aquarium, where we wandered around for a while and then we went over to the North End for lunch. After saying farewell to them we went shopping at Downtown Crossing. We then jumped in the car and drove up to my dad’s house for dinner. We spent a good two hour there and watched the big Patriots/Colts game (some called this the biggest regular season game in history) the Patriots ended up winning in the lat few minutes.

Once we were back at home Jennifer and I sat on the floor of our bedroom and had Kaleb practice walking on his own. He still isn’t very stable but for the first time balanced himself all by himself for a couple seconds before toppling over. He also took a step or two towards Jennifer before falling over. I don’t think we are going to go as far as saying it was his first steps, but he is definitely getting close. I will be sure to document it on video when it happens.

Very exciting times!!!

Kaleb Making Some Noise

Trick or Treat

Halloween Photos

Another crazy week has passed at the Sands household. Kaleb’s teeth continue to make their way up through his gums and his trouble sleeping has increased. We have had a really hard time with him the last few days going to sleep and staying asleep. Besides that a slight loss of appetite he seems to be weathering the storm fairly well. He has really taken off in his walker and marches around the house quite a bit. We have even taken him outside, my mom got him to climb her entire driveway and I took him to the Amesbury Skate Park for a little exercise. Despite the occasional fussiness at home he is still a very well behaved little boy.

As for Kaleb’s parents we have been very tired lately. I have been burning the midnight oil and then waking up at six which is starting to catch up with me. Jennifer on the other hand has been working all day and then taking care of Kaleb in the evening. Parenting is a strange thing, it seems that you always think you are at the most difficult time for one reason or another, but a month goes by and it seems even more challenging. Like for instance right now Kaleb is pretty demanding attention wise and his attention span is pretty short so there is a constant pressure to keep him busy and moving around. This compares to a few months ago when you could just put him in one place and he would sit there quite content. Right now I think if only he could walk things would be easier, but I am sure it will just bring up more different and challenging issues. The bottom line is probably that each stage is equally as hard as the last, but just different. I am certain of one ting we will soon see if I am right.

This weekend we are off to the New England Aquarium on Sunday with the Noonans followed by a birthday party up at my dad’s house.

Busy busy busy!!!

Now Tell Me the Tooth

You can probably guess from the subject what exciting development has occurred with Mr. Kaleb Arthur. Yep you are right his first teeth are starting to make there way to the surface of his gums. Jennifer noticed it on Saturday morning, we can’t really see anything yet, but it definitely feels different. Everything seems to be moving along so quickly.

It was a busy Friday, Kaleb and I spent the day around the house because my car was in the shop getting another new glove box. We did a little raking and then I let him run around on the deck in his walker. Once Jennifer was home we rushed around to get my car and then I got picked up by Kelly and Andy for a night in Bethel. We got up to Bethel around 8 and met Mark and Kate at Suds. After a yummy Suds pizza we went up to the mountain for the Entrain concert. Around midnight we left the show and went back to Mark and Kate’s to sleep. Kate woke me up nice and early and we went back towards Boston.

Once in Merrimac Kaleb, Jennifer and I piled into the car for a weekend at Nonna and Sir’s house. We had a great time as you will soon see from the photo album I uploaded. Today Jennifer’s family from New Jersey made the trip up for a yummy lunch of the world’s best pasta. It was a wonderful afternoon and the trip back was pretty good despite the pockets of traffic we ran into along the way.
Weekend in Connecticut

Kaleb: Day 257

Head of the Charles and a Walker

We went to the Head of the Charles Regatta this weekend. The weather was great, there were lots of free samples and a good time was had by all. Today I went out and bought Kaleb a walker so he could finally move around at will. He loved it!!! You could tell that he was excited because he was screaming with joy the entire time he was in it. He kept going back and forth across the kitchen floor. He is still learning how to navigate with it, but I have no doubt that in the next week or so he will be an expert. Hopefully this will provide some relief for our aching backs.

Head of the Charles Photos

Kaleb in his new walker video

Halloween Costume Preview

The end of the week is here and it has flown by. I watched Kaleb two day and tried to successfully juggle a handful of meetings at the same time. Luckily I made it through and feel like I got ahead of some of the work that was crazy out of control.

Yesterday we got Kaleb’s first Halloween costume in the mail. Given his timid nature we decided the cowardly lion would be the most appropriate costume for him. So here is a little preview of his costume until next week when he puts the whole thing on.

Kaleb: Day 244

Tomorrow we head off to the Head of the Charles, that should provide for some interesting photos.


Gorgeous Day

Today my mom was working so I got to spend the day watching Kaleb. We are really getting into a routine for days with me and my mom. I try to stick to the same morning routine which involves Kaleb and I playing from 7:45 to 8:30. At that point I put him in his bouncy seat and take a shower. Usually if it is my mom’s day he falls asleep in the car which works out really well for both of us.

Today after his morning nap we ran a couple errands and went down to Newburyport for lunch. First we stopped at Starbucks so I could pick up the free Song of the Day and then we went to get me some pizza. We ended the trip out on the grass near the waterfront. Kaleb started to get fussy because he hadn’t eaten in five hours. We went home and he ate a nice lunch. The rest of the afternoon went well. Pepe came over to visit us and Kaleb continued to behave splendidly. He really is a great kid.


Late Rainy Night

I have had more then a few complaints due to my lack of entries. In my experience whenever you don’t update at least a couple times a week your readership drops of dramatically. Unfortunately, my friends and family haven’t discovered the joy of RSS feeds, which allow you to get a subscription to my blog and whenever an update is made it is delivered to your reader. Check out reader.google.com and this video:

I have been using the google reader for about four months and I love it. I have signed up for all sorts of feeds including: Eastern Essex County weather alerts, Tampa Bay Devil Rays news, Dave Matthews fan site news, Apple daily news just to name a few. The more you get the harder it is to keep up, but it sure beats going from one website to the next. Here is the feed for my LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/keegsands/data/rss

Okay I will now stand down from my soapbox and return to your regularly scheduled program. Kaleb will be 8 months old in less than a week, my how the time flies by. He is definitely turning into his own little person, a very quiet and timid little one, who seems to have his parents wrapped around his finger. You will see if you spend more than a couple hours with us that we “coddle” him a little too much and never hesitate to pick him up if he starts fussing. We aren’t the strictest of parents and I think it is going to possibly bite us in the butt in the near future. Even now we are starting to feel the pain in the early evening after we put him down, he wakes up every two hours, whines and slams his feet down until we go pick him up. Once he is on your should he falls right back to sleep and then the real challenge comes, putting him down. If you don’t wait long enough he will wake right up and you are back at square one. He also has a knack for waking up just as we are heading off to bed, and by that point we are both too tired to go through the motions and we just bring him into bed. It seems that as long as this continues he is never going to sleep through the night.

Developmentally he is doing very well, although he has been extremely quiet the last week, very different compared to his jabbery couple weeks. It is very strange how his chattiness goes in cycles. Walking around (assisted) is still his favorite thing behind going outside in his Bjorn. Today he actually pulled himself up from a sitting to standing position for the first time. It was kind of awkward because he used my guitar for leverage, but it is all he can really use given his height of 2’ 2”. His sitting skills get stronger and stronger each day and now he rarely tips over. He still doesn’t crawl, mostly because he hates being on his stomach and is really good at rolling over.

I have been watching him the last couple days and he has been great. Today we went in to Jennifer’s school to visit the kids and then went down to CaseNET. He slept for most of the car ride and behaved wonderfully at both places.

Okay I have to get back to work. Hopefully I will put up some photos soon. btw I got an iPod Touch and I love it!!!


Weekend in Vermont

There has been a problem with the slideshow feature for some, so here is the link, Weekend in Vermont

Kaleb made his first trip up to the Riebe cabin in Vermont. We left early on Saturday morning and he slept all the way up there. We had great weather the entire time with the exception of a relatively short rain shower on Saturday evening. Kaleb slept in bed with us, I kept waking up throughout the night because of various reasons. Jennifer was still recovering from her cold, but she seemed to sleep okay. We got a chance to wander down by the stream and even celebrated Jennifer’s 30th birthday. It was a great weekend and Kaleb behaved very well, which was very nice.

Today was Jennifer’s 30th birthday. We didn’t really do anything to special because she had “Parent/Teacher” night at school, I got her a new Citizen’s watch that doesn’t use a battery, but instead gets its power from ambient and solar light. She did manage to come home for about an hour to feed Kaleb. My mom dropped him off and also brought dinner and a pumpkin cheesecake for Jennifer. I then got the fun task of getting Kaleb to sleep. He had been fussy all day and dinner was no different, I think a combination of him being full from Jennifer feeding him and his general fussiness kept him from eating most of his dinner. He enjoyed the bath, but was upset when I tried to get him dressed. Luckily he fell asleep relatively quickly and now I am downstairs updating my LJ.


Busy Week

Work has been crazy busy this week, but I finally found a chance to post some photos from the past week. Kaleb is doing very well and is really adjusting well to spending the day with my mom. I hope you enjoy the photos. This weekend we are going to Vermont for Kaleb’s first trip to the Riebe cabin.


Seven Months Old

Today marked seven months since Kaleb was born. We don’t have exact numbers, but he weighs somewhere around 14 lbs and is about 25” tall. He has adjusted fairly well to Jennifer’s return to work and is warming up to Gunnie. He is now eating solid food twice daily and has really expanded his repertoire to now include prunes, apricots, peaches, carrots, pears, applesauce, green beans, peas and sweet peas. He still doesn’t like tummy time and usually cries after just a few minutes of it and so as a result hasn’t had any success crawling. However, he does really like standing up and does a great job of walking if you hold his hands. We have been somewhat weak parents lately in that he spends half of the night in bed with us. It really just comes down to sleep deprivation and by having him in the bed, Jennifer can easily just feed him and he falls back to sleep on his own as opposed to having to rock him and spend an hour trying to get him back to sleep. The important thing is that he does start in his crib and spends some of the night there, if he could just learn to sleep longer we wouldn’t have a problem.

Anyway that is it for now. Happy Seven Months little man!!!


Kaleb: Minute 1

I was messing around with my phone last night and realized I never uploaded some of the photos I took immediately after Kaleb was born. So without further ado here are photos I took on my phone from the delivery room. Also included is his first photo with his mom.

Last night I went to the BoSox-Devil Rays game at Fenway and while it was exciting the Devil Rays blew an 8-1 lead and ended up losing 16-10.


And then the rain came

After a couple scorchers we finally got some much needed rain. Saturday evenings brief rain showers marked the first measurable rain we have ever had while in the new house. The roof finally got its first test drive and I was finally able to see if the gutters were all hooked up correctly. The gutter on the shed is still sloping in the wrong direction, and the new gutter on the side seems to be leaking near the bottom, but no big deal there. I also made our first attempt at figuring out what animal is spending some time in our ceiling. We assumed it was a squirrel because there is an obvious hole in the soffit and because it seemed to be much bigger than a mouse. So I covered up the hole with computer paper and duct tape just to verify that something was coming in and out through the hole. It took a half day, but finally the paper had been pulled back and is now just dangling. I am not sure of the next step, from what I read we are going to have to catch the squirrel and move him or kill him because now that he has a home in there he will do whatever possible to get back inside, regardless of whether or not we cover over the hole.

We had a nice relaxing weekend. Megan and Jamison came over yesterday and we went over to my mom’s to go swimming. Today we did a little shopping in the morning and then stayed home in the afternoon before Amy came over to visit us. At this point I am not sure what else to do in the yard, it might just be time to call it a year and start fresh in the spring. Now it is time to compose a list of all the things we need to do this fall and winter.
- Fix the drainage around the house
- Buy a de-humidifer for the basement
- New electrical panel
- Build/buy an arbor for all the grape vines out back
- Get rid of the giant stump in the back yard
- Fix the spigot outside
- Remove the rotting wood structure in the basement and replace it with lally columns
- Install a railing on the stairs
- Rid house of squirrel
- Railings for the deck
- Replace some rotting trim
- Get chimney checked out
- Put in new smoke detectors with a battery back up

It seems like quite a list, but I don’t think any of the things are too crazy. I think I will certainly be busy this winter though.


Mr. Mom

First here is a video of Kaleb stepping, it is his latest trick. He seems very excited about the prospect of joining the rest of us upright walkers.

Now that school has started up again for Jennifer I am shifting my work schedule around. Two days a week I will be at home with Kaleb during the day and then working at home in the evening. Yesterday was my first day and it went very well. We stuck to the schedule we had used for the earlier part of the week, to try and begin a routine. He was very good, taking two naps, both over an hour long and even drinking some milk from a bottle. We did some grocery shopping and also went for a walk later in the afternoon. It was certainly a long day, but it was great to hang out with my son.


Quick Weekend Update

Our weekend on Cape Cod was a complete success. We really had a great time out there and I feel like I got a pretty solid taste of what it is all about. On Friday evening, we went took advantage of Jeff’s over sand permit and drove down the beach in the Liberty. There were a couple seals, lots of wind and some big waves. On Saturday we went up to Provincetown to check out that whole scene. I think living in Somerville has desensitized me so I didn’t see anything that seemed to out of the ordinary. After P-town we tried to find a restaurant and ended up in the middle of the woods, it was pretty crazy. We finally got to the restaurant, but the parking lot was full so we had to move across to the bay side and eat at a different restaurant. We stayed in that evening, played whiffle ball and cooked pizza on the grill. On Sunday we walked out on the beach at low tide in Brewster. It was really cool because you can walk about a mile from the beach and the water was less than knee deep. We saw all sorts of sea creatures including, but not limited to, moon snails, jelly fish and horseshoe crabs.

We rolled out of there around 12:15 with the intention of catching the final race of the Long Pond season at 2PM. Unfortunately the traffic was a bit crazy and we made it in time to catch the final three legs. Mark ended up winning the Long Pond Cup and also won the Labor Day Weekend races. I helped put the boats away and then we hopped back in the car to get Kaleb home in time for his regular bed time.

Kaleb has had a rough couple of days. First we had him in the car for most of Saturday and then again on Monday. Last night his schedule was pretty screwed up, so he was up kind of late. Today the day started off well, but since it was Jennifer’s first day of school he had to go to my mom’s house. He had a long day with a bunch of crying and as I type this he is awake and crying because of what is most likely constipation. Poor Three!!!

The good news is that he really likes to stand up. He still needs assistance, but has now started actually moving his feet like he is walking now. I keep hoping it won’t be long before he can balance without assistance.

Okay time to get back to work. I added some new photos to my Cape Cod photos in my previous entry.
